Adriana was super sweet and giving me comliments. Making me so shy!
And me giving her compliments in return!
Before leaving she said good bye and complimented me on the jacket
i was wearing "Marios Schwab" that i got at "L'Empresse" in Amsterdam.
I asked her if she still remembered my name she smiled asked me to repeat
it one more time and replied that now she wouldn't forget it again! a true
Angel! She is just as beautiful!
Pictures by: Vincent Sannier
she is one of my favs! LOVE HER. much more than Gisele.
ur sooo lucky! ilove andriana limaa...shes so gorg! xxxxx
I love her. She's from Brazil, and that makes me a very proud Brazilian =D And she is always so sweet!
girl you're skin is really bad in condition
the coming up fashion icon ;-) .. J.J.P.
Your style is so amazing. I LOVE it!
Beautiful pictures and exquisite coat.
/Male Mode.
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